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Release Notes: Release 5.5

12 March 2021, updated 15 March 2021
Release 5.5 consists of seven new modules, a minor UI enhancement to the MIDI Display module and some minor fixes to the CV Change Gate module:

Seven New Modules: the Multi A/B Input Selector, Multi A/B Output Selector, Multi A/B Processor, Multi A/B Poly-In Selector, Multi A/B Poly-Out Selector, Multi A/B PolyProcessor modules and the Pitch CV to WaveTime module.

Fixes: improved the reliability of the sensing of changed notes in the CV Change Gate when using it with Sensitivity set to “Notes” mode, especially for small changes; also fixed tooltip in “Notes” mode so that 0 semitones is correctly displayed as ANY CHANGE.

Enhancement: a tooltip (for the Prog.Change option) has been added to MIDI Display module to remind users about the limitations of MIDI Program Change messages in Voltage Modular.

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Andrew Macaulay

Andrew Macaulay is an electronic music composer/player/producer and a developer of music software in the form of modules for Voltage Modular by Cherry Audio.

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