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Release Notes: Release 6.1

03 July 2022

Release 6.1 consists of one new module, enhancements to fourteen modules plus UI improvements and fixes to many others. The full release notes follow, which provide a significant amount of detail about the release:

New Modules

CV Pitch Scaler: designed to make it easier to take CV inputs to be used in oscillators and other modules expecting 1V/Octave and scale the value to be 5V=2 Oct, 5V=1 Oct, 5V=7 semitones, 1V=1 semitone and 5V=1 semitone.


  • Clock Generator: revised UI, option for time-based gate width as well as percentage-based gate width, improved BPM sensing for the Ext.Clock and Sync modes, new Advanced Settings for Clock Sync’d mode allow start on first clock in, use of last known good, and auto reset for gated clock inputs (with tweaking for number of beats and minimum gate time for the first clock in), and saves/loads last good BPM from clock in sensing in presets;
  • Clock Multiplier/Divider: takes many of the enhancements from the Clock Generator with options to allow start on first clock in and support simple, stable frequency “gated” clock inputs (e.g. to use clock from sequencer that can be started and stopped), and saves/loads last good BPM from clock in sensing in presets;
  • Clock to CV to Clock: added option allowing Minimum clock time (from CV) to either stop clock when under minimum BPM (old behaviour) or to set a minimum BPM that would be used if under the minimum;
  • CV Delay and Processor: fade behaviour has been enhanced so that if the fade time is changed during fade, the fade speed is adjusted to achieve new fade time
  • Delayed LFO: LFO Speed now shown on display (including OFF if speed is 0), range for manual speed allows 0Hz so that it can be fully driven by a CV source, the CV input has a x10 option (allowing 1V/Hz and 1V/10Hz inputs), minimum and maximum LFO speeds can be controlled, and (lilke the CV Delay and Processor) the fade behaviour has been enhanced so that if the fade time is changed during fade, it adjusts speed to achieve the new fade time
  • Gate Length Processor: added Polyphonic signal path alongside the existing mono processing; CV Input Range now allows ms/V as well as legacy 12s/5V mode (default set to 10ms/V with older presets set to 12s/5V)
  • IO Bus Plus: added “Sustain Legato mode” switch allowing current behaviour, where sustain forces legato/unsustained passing the MULTI/SINGLE mode from the Input Panel settings, or a “pure legato” mode forcing legato irrespective of the MULTI/SIGNAL mode;
  • Matrix Mixer: added ability to switch the module into Polyphonic mode with a Mono/Poly switch that allows the mode to be changed when no signal jacks (in or out) are connected;
  • Matrix Switch: added ability to switch the module into Polyphonic mode with a Mono/Poly switch that allows the mode to be changed when no signal jacks (in or out) are connected;
  • Micro Ratcheter: uses last known good and saves last good BPM from clock in sensing in presets and loads them on preset load to allow internal clock to start immediately rather than having to wait for 2 clock signals to work out speed
  • Pattern Ratcheter: now always starts on first clock in (using last known good/preset saved value where possible) with new option for “gated mode” for stable frequency gated clock in (e.g. to use clock from sequencer that can be started and stopped) with control for number of beats for reset;
  • Voltage-Controlled Matrix Mixer: added ability to switch the module into Polyphonic mode with a Mono/Poly switch that allows the mode to be changed when no signal jacks (in or out) are connected;
  • Voltage-Controlled Matrix Switch: added ability to switch the module into Polyphonic mode with a Mono/Poly switch that allows the mode to be changed when no signal jacks (in or out) are connected;
  • Voltage Controlled Ratcheter: now always starts on first clock in (using last known good/preset saved value where possible) with new option for “gated mode” for stable frequency gated clock in (e.g. to use clock from sequencer that can be started and stopped) with control for number of beats for reset, and option for time-based gate generator in addition to the percentage gate-width options as well as using the last known good calculated gate width for the first clock sensed.

General Enhancements:

  • Enhanced the BPM/tempo sensing code used in modules which can take an external clock and use the BPM from that sources, including using a last known good BPM where relevant and saving/loading the sensed BPM in presets so that the module loading the preset will know the last sensed BPM and be able to start immediately;
  • Editing of Multiplier/Divider knobs now assume whole values from 1 up to be multiplier values (1=1x, 2=2x…) whilst still accepted the multiplier (x2 or *2) and divider (/2) options;
  • Specific UI enhancements: custom Moog-style Rocker Switches updated to be more consistent with Cherry Audio rocker switches and more visible as to their state; also improved the Buchla-style Jacks with hover mode properly implemented;
  • Timer code used in delays, gates, clocks, etc. has been further optimised and accuracy improved for various utilities, especially for lower values, ensuring single sample minimum time used only when needed (previously this could affect some timings)
  • Further DSP code updated using CA optimisations and UI improvements/standardisation to take advantage of improvements in Voltage Modular v2.5. Continued improvements and optimisations to common/shared code.

Notable Fixes:

  • Clock Generator: the synchronised ENABLE trigger now always enables on next ‘clock in’ when connected to synchronised external clock, even when clock is in divider mode; and when external clock in sync’d mode, the clock output now STOPS when no clock has been received to revert back to the original behaviour before free running and BPM CV modes were added
  • CV Delay and Processor and Delayed LFO: fixed issue of changes to fade during processing sometimes causing extreme values to be output
  • Stereo Mid/Side Processor: VU meters now reset rather than sticking if the inputs jacks removed while signal present
  • Tempo Display: now correctly resets the calculated time and Freeze button when unplugging in jack, ensure calculated time fully reset when plugging in jack – but still allows Freeze to be pre-configured
  • Time Meter: The Error message when the display is “over-value” no longer shows a decimal place and is reset correctly after it gets into such an error condition.

— END —

Andrew Macaulay

Andrew Macaulay is an electronic music composer/player/producer and a developer of music software in the form of modules for Voltage Modular by Cherry Audio.

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