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Release Notes: Release 4

23 March 2020 – Updated 27 April 2020 
The following changes (and there are many in this release) are included in the Release 4 of the modules. These modules were released in phases, with eleven new modules in Release 4 (23rd March), four additional modules in Release 4.1 (28th March), two additional modules in Release 4.2 (7th April) and one further updated module in Release 4.3 (27th April).

1. Clock Multiplier/Divider providing a simple dedicated multiplier and divider for clock signals. Included in the Gates and Triggers Collection and Ultimate Bundle.
2. Legato Processor allows a “MULTI” or “SINGLE” or sequencer gate input to be converted to Legato (single) and Retrigger (multi) signals, including a voltage controlled switch and Sequencer mode. Included in the Gates and Triggers Collection. Inspired by a feature request [thank you Simon].
3. Pitch CV Modifier providing some interesting voltage controlled transposition and inversion of 1V/OCT signals. Included in the General Utilities Collection. This was inspired by a feature request.
4. Step Generator providing a comprehensive stepped CV output from a gate input, with variable and CV controlled steps (1-256), step sizes, starts, ends and direction. Included in the newly renamed Sequencing and Ratcheting Collection.
5. Voltage-Controlled Ratchet providing a voltage controlled version of the ratcheting modules, capable of between 0 and 16 ratchets per beat and with support for various Gate modes of operation for interesting rhythmic effects. Included in the the newly renamed Sequencing and Ratcheting Collection. 
6. ENV-20 EG2 Envelope, a Korg MS-20 EG2 inspired envelope generator with its unique take on the “Hold” control. Included in the Envelopes and LFO Collection.
7. Sample/Track & Hold, providing a flexible Sample and Hold module that also includes a Korg MS-20 inspired Track and Hold mode, and Restriction controls inspired by Eurorack modules. Included in the the Envelopes and LFO Collection.
8. Slew Processor, providing a flexible Slew module with separate Rise and Fall controls, linear/log slopes and extensive voltage control over the slopes  and whether the slew is enabled. Can be used on any control voltages and can also be tried on audio signals. Included in the Envelopes and LFO Collection.
9. Trapezoid Envelope VCA, a EMS VCS/Synthi-inspired Trapezoid envelope generator with an included VCA, variable slopes and single-shot, gated and repeat modes. Included in the Envelopes and LFO Collection. This was inspired by a feature request [thank you Duncan].
10. Stereo/Mid-Side Processor providing Mid/Side processing and conversion between Stereo, Mid-Side and Mono signals with voltage controlled panning and stereo width controls. Included in the Switches and Mixers Collection. This module was inspired by a feature request.
11. Voltage-Controlled Matrix Switch which adds ganged switching of the rows in the Matrix Switch module, plus some additional ease of use features for the matrix switch. Included in the Switches and Mixers Collection. This module was inspired by a feature request.
12. Voltage-Controlled Matrix Mixer which adds ganged switching of the rows plus VCAs for each row in the Matrix Switch module, plus some additional ease of use features for the matrix mixer. Included in the Switches and Mixers Collection. 
13. CV Note Display which provides three channels that display the MIDI number and note/octave for input voltages, with sample and hold and quantized values outputs. 
14. Voltage Processor which allows variable and voltage-controlled inversion/rectifier/half-rectifier flipping, clipping and folding for two channels (positive and negative phases of a signal).
15. Exponent Shaper provides voltage controlled exponential voltage shaping which can go to aggressive levels turning sine waves into close to square waves.
16. Micro Voltage Splitter which separates out the positive and negative phases of an input and then provides seven fixed outputs with Full/Half Rectified, positive only, negative only and various inverted variants.
17. Sustain Processor takes the Gate and Sustain (pedal) inputs to create a sustained gate signal that can be used with the standard envelopes.

1. Voltage Controlled Envelope now has additional controls for BPM-sync’d times (/32 for the overall timer, and /16 for individual stages); settings to change the CV from the legacy 1ms/V to 10ms/V, 100ms/V and 1sec/V and x100 switches on individual CV inputs; and finally a Sustain Pedal gate input has been added.
2 & 3. Micro Envelope and Micro Envelope-VCA now have a switch to fix the Decay to the Release time (disables the Decay time knob). This was directly in response to a feature request [thank you Duncan].
4 & 5. CV Delay and Processor and Delayed LFO now have a variable control over the slope factor for non-linear Fades.
6. Matrix Switch now has options for Audio/CV switching (reduces pops when buttons in the matrix switched on/off) and additional gate-processing options for when using the switch with gates and triggers.
7. Matrix Mixer has some underlying code enhancements plus a “set to normalised” button to set the output volumes to reflect the number of connected inputs (i.e. 100% for 1 input, 50% for 2…).
8. Probability Generator has the 0m/2ms switch added for the gate output to set the MINIMUM gate width (especially for when using trigger inputs).
9. Wave Mixer has additional algorithms for the Multiplier section, adding Ring Modulation, pure AM and an analogue-style exponential Ring Modulation mode to the existing mixed Multiplier capability.
10. Gate Length Processor: some improvements to the handling of the re-trigger mode.
11. Dual Voltage Display: adding new controls for Decimal Places to be displayed (supporting 1 to 5 decimal places, with a default of 5).

1. Micro Envelope and Voltage Controlled Envelope: there was a minor issue with the Delay LED not switching off if the gate was released before it had completed. Fixed.
2. CV Delay Processor and Delayed LFO: there was a minor issue with the calculation for exponential slopes that had no effect on the fixed setting but which, in the new version, was not working correctly. Fixed.
3. Matrix Switch (8×8) and Pitch CV Transpose: name updated to make clearer and consistent with other modules. 
4. Probability Generator: some internal fixes to the way this was processing the control voltages to try to address some edge-case situations that a small number of users had noticed. 
5. Gate Length Processor: some improvements to the UI where some text was overlaying switches.

I think that’s all for this release!

Andrew Macaulay

Andrew Macaulay is an electronic music composer/player/producer and a developer of music software in the form of modules for Voltage Modular by Cherry Audio.

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