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Release Notes: Release 1A

28 February 2019
The following changes are included in the 28th February 2019 release of the modules:

Trigger Sync and Gate Toggle module allowing you to sync an input trigger (from e.g. a Manual Trigger or from the MIDI Drum Trigger) to an incoming gate/clock signal and also provides a way to toggle a Gate signal on/off using trigger inputs.
Dual Counter module, useful in capturing the number of gates received, with reset button and inputs.

A small but growing set of Tutorial/Explanatory presets that are now included with the relevant collections.
Two Notes Panels (8HP and 16HP) are also included across the collections and have been published as free modules to help with the Tutorial Presets, a first batch of which have also been included with this release.

Voltmeter loading issue. You will need to add the (new) Voltmeter back into the preset and it will now reload with the preset correctly.
Pattern Ratcheter preset loading issue specific to presets with clock sync inputs, so presets with clock sync input selected should load reliably.
Clock Generator now should not glitch at all when changing the manually set speed (especially when changing it quickly).
Bottom LED issue on Gated Signal. Thanks to “scook” for reporting this issue (typing mistake on my side)!

Pattern Ratcheter now has a button to set all the Clock Widths for the steps to be the same as the width set for Step 1. By design, this does not lock the widths, but simply allows you to force them to be the same.
BPM/clock based divider controls for speed or time are now consistent, show BPM or ms (as relevant) as well as the multiplier/divider factor and can now be edited using “natural language” (i.e. 1/2 or /2, x3 or *3, etc.).
BPM Sensing

BPM CV and Clock Sync inputs have, where they are not the primary input to a module (i.e. when the smaller jacks), been changed to be colour coded in Blue for Clock Sync and Yellow for BPM CV.
My “Logo”. Although this is still small, which is by design to allow as much space as possible on the modules, should now render better across devices. Sizing of this should also be consistent.

I think that’s all for this release!

Andrew Macaulay

Andrew Macaulay is an electronic music composer/player/producer and a developer of music software in the form of modules for Voltage Modular by Cherry Audio.

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