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Release Notes: Release 3

30 August 2019
The following changes are included in the 30th august 2019 release of the modules:

MIDI Display: a simple MIDI display utility with filtering by channel and message type. Included in the General Utilities Collection and the Ultimate Bundle.
CV Delay and Triple CV Processor: A CV processing module with a Delay and Fade envelope with multiple slopes, timings for which can optionally be sync’d to BPM (host, external clock or CV). The delay CV can be mixed with up to three other CV inputs, allowing the mixing of e.g. after-touch, mod wheel, etc. with the delay envelope. Included in the renamed Envelopes and LFO Collection and the Ultimate Bundle.
Delay LFO: builds on the CV Delay module, replacing triple-CV processing channels with an LFO with multiple waveforms and optional host-sync’d speeds and two other CV inputs. Included in the renamed Envelopes and LFO Collection and the Ultimate Bundle.
Mini-Delay LFO: A simplified and smaller version of the Delayed LFO module. Provides Delay and Fade envelope with manually set times and linear fade which can be mixed with up to two CV inputs. Included in the renamed Envelopes and LFO Collection and the Ultimate Bundle.
Wave Mixer: provides blended, additive and AM-style mixing of audio or LFO waves from any device, all with CV control, providing for wave shaping and wave folding style capabilities. Included in the Switches and Mixers Collection and the Ultimate Bundle.

1. Tempo Display module: there was a small issue fixed with the Tempo Display showing an error when it was actually able to display a value.
2. Various fixes for jack removal: across a number of modules, behaviour of the controls/processing when a jack is removed has been improved.
3. Preset backwards compatability: was further fixed/improved with a completely new way of managing this possible with some enhancements within Voltage Modular itself. Old presets should now load perfectly into the new modules – including setting of new features to act in the same was as the older module did.

1. Gate Length Processor (Re-Gater) now has the option to re-trigger the gate which the current gate is “running”.
2. Clock Generator now has an option to mute and run the clock, both from a button and from trigger inputs.
3. Micro-Envelope-VCA now has an envelope CV output as well as the VCA input and output.
4. Pattern Ratcheter has an improved “set all” gate width buttons, to set all to the same as #1, set all widths to be fixed to the global set value and to set them all back to manual mode.
5. And finally, the Clock Generator, Gate Length Processor (Re-Gater), Micro-Envelope, Micro-Envelope-VCA, Pattern Ratcheter and Voltage Controlled Envelope modules all now have options to set the minimum gate time, attack time and/or decay/release time to 2ms as well as the current 0ms. Useful for voltage controlled timings, this ensures that the time matches the 2ms minimum attack time used on the standard envelope helping to avoid clicks due to 0ms attack times.

1. Modules which have time-based controls now have the ability to change the mid-point for the logarithmic behaviour of the knobs. This setting is available through a “pop-up” configuration box and allows the mid point to be set to 500ms, 750ms, 1000ms, 1250ms, 3000ms (legacy mode) as well as to linear mode. The legacy mode is automatically set when loading presets from previous versions so that their behaviour is as expected.
2. The configuration of the mid-point and, for many modules, the minimum gate time uses a pop-up “config ” dialog. This means that value screen space is not being used for occasionally used “personalisation” controls.
3. Short form Release Notes are now automatically displayed the first time a new/updated module is opened. Note that, if multiple modules with these release notes are opened at the same time (i.e. opening a preset) then only one of them will open, a limitation of the way the dialog box is used/called.
4. The built-in “help” dialogues in Pattern Ratcheter and Trigger Sync and Gate Toggle modules has been replaced with an overlay-style message in the module which can be dismissed by clicking on the message.
5. Configuration for system-wide features (for Andrew Macaulay’s Modules) has been made possible through a .conf file which controls the default mid-point and minimum gate times as well as allowing Release Notes and Help (3 and 4 in this list) to be disabled. See the help pages for more on this.

I think that’s all for this release!

Andrew Macaulay

Andrew Macaulay is an electronic music composer/player/producer and a developer of music software in the form of modules for Voltage Modular by Cherry Audio.

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