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Andrew Macaulay’s Modules Release 6.1

Release 6.1 of Andrew Macaulay’s Modules is now available and includes one new module, major enhancements to fourteen existing modules, and UI improvements and fixes to many others.

Major enhancements include adding polyphonic support/signal paths to some existing monophonic modules and enhancements to the way that an external clock BPM is sensed with some modules adding advanced options to improve the handling of “gated inputs” such as the clock from a sequencer, which can be stopped and restarted.

The new CV Pitch Scaler module is a helper-module designed originally for use with the Drift Generator, but also useful with other sources where you want accurate but simple control over CV adjustment through 1V/OCT inputs up to micro-adjustments of 5V=1 semitone.

All collections have been updated with the enhancements and new modules, and all the new modules are included in the Ultimate Bundle which now has 87 modules in total.

All these enhancements are provided free for existing users – the next time you use Voltage Modular they will be downloaded, or you will be notified of them (if you have that option enabled). Modules that have been added to existing bundles/collections are also free to existing users of those bundles/collections.

Price reductions on many individual modules
As part of Release 6.1, I have taken the decision to reduce prices for many individual modules. Although I realise that most purchases of my modules are through my collections (bundles) this reduction, made possible due to changes to minimum pricing for the store over time, allows my simpler utility modules to have more appropriate pricing and brings my pricing more in line with other similar modules in the store. Discounts continue for existing users upgrading to a related collection, adding a new collection, or upgrading from a collection to the Ultimate Bundle. This reduction also forms the new baseline for pricing of future modules added.

The modules and collections can be purchased on the Cherry Audio Store. Further details at Andrew Macaulay’s Modules. Documentation is available for all the modules on the online help pages and further details of the changes are available in the Release Notes for R6.1.

Andrew Macaulay

Andrew Macaulay is an electronic music composer/player/producer and a developer of music software in the form of modules for Voltage Modular by Cherry Audio.

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