For all the romantics out there and to celebrate Valentine's Day this year, Andrew Macaulay Modules collections, bundles and selected individual modules are on sale from Fri 14 February (00:00 UK) through Mon 17 February (23:59 UK).
Updates, fixes and 4 new modules released
Just released an update to the collection, specifically adding the following modules:
The new TRIG::UTIL module (Trigger Sync and Gate Toggle module) to the Gates and Triggers Collection and the Ultimate Collection.
This module allows you to sync an input trigger (from, for example, a manual button from the Manual Triggers or from a specific key on the keyboard using the MIDI Drum Trigger) to an incoming gate/clock signal – and also provides a way to toggle a Gate signal on/off using trigger inputs.
A new dual COUNTER module to the General Utilities Collection and the Ultimate Collection.
This module is useful in capturing the number of gates received, with reset button and inputs. I developed this to check how the Probability Generator algorithm was working in terms of counting both the input triggers and output triggers from it.
Two simple wider blank NOTES modules (also issued as free modules) for adding notes to presets – with the ability to select from a number of different pre-set font sizes. These are being added to all collections but, if not in a collection, simply grab the free ones: Notes Panel 8HP and Notes Panel 16HP.
PLUS there is a small but growing set of Tutorial/Explanatory presets that are now included with the relevant collections.
This set of presets, which will be added to and improved over time, is provided to help explain how some of the more esoteric modules might be used. Notes are included with each preset to help explain how the modules have been connected and why. Please note that they are explicitly for demonstrating the capabilities and are NOT designed to be musically or sonically great!
In addition, there are various graphical tweaks/improvements, fixes and enhancements to the existing modules. See the Release Notes section for details.
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